Also consider the characteristics of each site and your goals to determine which types of grass are appropriate. Apply a starter-type fertilizer, such as 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet of 5-10-10 fertilizer. Contact your, A soil test should be made at least every two to three years to determine the amounts of lime, phosphorus, and potassium needed by your established lawn. The best grass seed for NC is (in our humble opinion) Pennington Smart Seed Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend. They are very slow to establish from plugs, often taking three years for total coverage when planted on 12-inch centers. * Establishment rate is dictated by planting dates, seeding and planting rate, intensity of culture, and environment. Rake or harrow the site to establish a smooth and level final grade. The best rule of thumb is to follow the manufacturers coverage recommendations that appear on the bag of seeds. Applying 0.5 inch of water every three to four days is adequate for most situations. MAG-I-CAL is specially formulated to quickly raise or lower your soil to the ideal pH range of between 6.2 and 7.0. Though studies have shown that a lawn of 1,000 square feet can produce 500 pounds of clippings in one growing season, these clippings contribute very little to thatch. They should not be used in the coastal plain. A stage in the development of certain insects where the young resemble the adult in form, eat the same food, and reside in the same environment. For more specific maintenance information on your grass type, refer to the NC State TurfFiles maintenance calendars. It grows well in full sun to moderate shade and performs well in wet, shaded, acid soils where other lawngrasses may not grow. Use a seeding rate of 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet (sq ft). You have to understand your region and the type of soil you have. For most turfgrasses, except centipedegrass, soil pH should be between 6.5 and 7.0 for optimum nutrient availability. To keep dormant winter Bermudagrass lawns looking green, fall overseeding with perennial ryegrasses or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seedcan add temporary green color. Higher seeding rates can result in weak, thin stands that are more susceptible to disease and high temperature stress. Centipede prefers full sun, but it tolerates more shade than Bermudagrass allows. N.C. Sandy soils require more frequent watering. They may not persist in sunny locations exposed to high temperature extremes, excessive soil moisture or humidity, or heavy traffic. Warm-season Zoysia grass, more cold-tolerant than Bermudagrass, also warrants extensive use. Bermudagrass is well adapted to sandy soils. Apply half the seed in one direction and the other half moving at right angles to the first pass (Figure 3). Bermuda grass is very durable and requires little maintenance and tolerates drought conditions very well. To maintain a high-quality lawn, turfgrass should be cut often enough that less than one-third of the leaf surface is removed with each mowing. Tillage or renovation techniques such as vertical mowing, coring, or slicing should be delayed for seven days after application to allow proper movement of the herbicide into underground parts of the weeds. Zoysia grass is a low-maintenance grass. As your grass grows, it helps the environment by stabilizing soil and reducing air pollution, noise, heat, dust, and glare. You can then determine if you need to amend the soil as per the requirements of your chosen grass variety. Use cans or a rain gauge to determine how much water is being delivered in a certain period of time. The pigment products work best for darkening existing green color, whereas colorants may be applied to brown turf for a green color. Best Sale: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Southern. REVIEW. For lawn areas with dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix helps keep shady areas green. For Pacific Northwest lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines shade-tolerant fine fescues, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass. Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone G lawns. Being drought and disease resistant topped our list of requirements. Dense Shade Mix has been bred precisely for shade, so it doesnt grow quite as well in full sun, even though it is a fescue blend. Allow several weeks for the results to be returned. Since North Carolina has three regions with different soils and weather patterns, not all varieties will thrive in the three regions. The benefits of a healthy lawn go beyond the obvious. Preplanting renovation procedures are designed to create the optimum environment for the establishment of newly planted grasses. Selection of seeds or plants is especially important when establishing a lawn. Several newer cultivars, however, can also be seeded that have a medium texture. Fortunately, there are a few general points to remember when preparing your site for new grass seeds (source): Planting your seed, again, depends on your region and the variety you choose. A combination of two or more cultivars of the same species, for example Rebel and Falcon tall fescue. As the seedlings grow and root, water less often but for longer periods. Many new cultivars with improved color, texture, and pest resistance are now commercially available. These coarse-textured zoysiagrasses are typically mowed with a rotary mower. Buy on Amazon. Results in a brown, stubbly appearance. Perennial ryegrass is a mid-to-cool season grass that can be grown by itself or mixed with other cool-season grasses. Send approximately 1 cup of the air-dried soil sample to the NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Soil Testing Services, 1040 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1040. In this case, rake, bag, and remove the clippings. The basal portion of the leaf surrounding the grass stem. A 2 to 3 percent slope is needed for proper drainage away from buildings. Rototill the recommended amount of fertilizer and lime, indicated by soil test results, or apply lime at 75 pounds per 1,000 sq ft and 10-10-10 fertilizer at 20 pounds per 1,000 sq ft to the area to be sprigged. Bare areas that are seeded should be mulched to enhance germination. A joint where leaves, roots, branches, or stems arise. Whatever you decide, it's important to get your grass seed off to a strong start long before the seasonal stresses . However, it is not tolerant of shady areas. The Right Time to Plant Grass Seed. Water should be applied only when a reasonable portion of the lawn shows signs of moisture stress. It is the best grass to plant if you want a year-round green lawn. Unlike cool-season grasses, some warm-season grasses must be planted either by sod or other vegetative means because seeds either are not available or do not result in uniform stands. A comprehensive guide to growing and maintaining a beautiful healthy lawn. The best grass seed for overseeding a lawn will depend on the existing type of grass, the prevailing climate, and the soil type. The resting stage of a plant or ripe seeds during which nearly all manifestations of life come to an almost complete standstill. Mar 17, 2023 2:46 PM. Covering grass seed is traditionally limited to newly seeded lawns, not overseeded lawns. Seeding: Warm-season grasses may be seeded successfully between March 1 and July 1, depending on the species used. Cheapest . A blue certified tag indicates that the seed or plants have met certain standards to assure high quality and low levels of contaminants. Most turfgrasses can withstand 3 to 6 weeks (or longer) without rainwater or irrigation and exhibit minimal or no damage, depending on the situation. 10 reviews. The perfect mix of Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and Fine Fescue to survive sun and moderate shade. A plant that starts from seed and completes its life cycle within the same growing season. It is never recommended for overseeding other warm-season grasses. Slowly available sources of nitrogen that exhibit slow turf green-up, long residual, and low burn potential, such as urea formaldehyde and methylene urea. The seeds are specially selected to grow in both sunny and shady areas. The best varieties of grass to plant in North Carolina are those that can be planted in two different regions. So how would you handle a pest problem that is destroying the appearance of your lawn? The Coastal Plains region is best for warm-season grasses that can tolerate salty air. Best in full sun in USDA zones 8 - 10. Like other Scotts seed mixes, this warm season blend has been treated with WaterSmart coating for protection and moisture retention. Therefore, 6.25 pounds of fertilizer per 1,000 square feet will deliver 1 pound of nitrogen. Kentucky bluegrass should be mowed at a height of 1.5 to 2.5 inches when planted alone. Cavalier, Zeon, Zorro, Geo, and Leisure Time are new zoysiagrass cultivars with a moderate growth rate and a fine texture similar to Emerald. Figure 3. Annual ryegrass may be found in warm-season mixes because it germinates quickly and provides a cover for the slower-to-germinate warm-season grasses. Perennial ryegrass should be mowed at 1.5 to 2.5 inches when mixed with Kentucky bluegrass. For sun-and-shade lawns, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines cool-season grasses that perform with as little as four to six hours of sun per day. Apply half the fertilizer in one direction and the other half moving at right angles to the first pass to ensure uniform coverage (, The second group of products is not a nutrient. If irrigation is not available or desirable, then an alternative to irrigating is to allow the turf to go semi-dormant to dormant. Technically, tall fescue grows best in Piedmont and Mountains regions, since it tolerates some heat and doesnt need much water. The unique blend of seeds produces a lawn that will withstand harsh summer conditions. An underground creeping stem that can produce roots and shoots at each node. In North Carolina, cool-season grasses like Jonathan Green Black Beauty are best seeded in early fall, but many people achieve success by seeding in early spring (mid-February to late March). If prolonged periods of rainfall prevent mowing, clippings may be long enough to shade or smother the grass. Uneven ground can make mowing below 1 inch difficult. If summer application of nitrogen is made to improve the color or aid recovery from damage, the rate should be between 0.2 and 0.5 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Bermuda grass is the ideal choice for lawns in North Carolina, due to its tolerance for the hot and humid summers that typify the region. Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix contains improved grass varieties that conserve water, germinate quickly and resist lawn diseases. A 7-pound bag of Kentucky Bluegrass Mix will overseed up to 4,725 square feet of existing lawn and can be used in sunny spots and areas with light shade. Overseeding an existing lawn is much simpler than putting in a new lawn from scratch because the grass is already established, and theres no need to till or rake the soil. But some grasses, such as perennial ryegrass, naturally resist the diseases that strike grasses in rainy coastal winters. * Seeding beyond these dates increases the chance of failure. It is best used as a utility turfgrass where appearance is not a concern and low maintenance is the rule. 1. With adequate irrigation, cool-season grasses can excel in the Mediterranean-like climate. This publication printed on: March 18, 2023, Carolina Lawns: A Guide to Maintaining Quality Turf in the Landscape, A comparative chart of principal lawn grasses used in each region is provided in, Note: Some improved cultivars are better adapted and more pleasing in appearance than the comparison rating provided for a given lawn grass. Professional lawn care companies may use a maintenance schedule that differs from what is described in this publication, and it may be equally effective. Anchored in the country's center, the northern Plains States comprise part of the country's cool-season grass-growing region. Most grass seed varieties grow well with full to partial sun, but new and improved versions will tolerate shade as well. Large areas and areas that contain 50 percent desirable grasses are best prepared for seeding by using a piece of equipment (such as an aerator or coring machine) that brings small soil cores to the surface. Add soil amendments before overseeding if necessary. Well-prepared soil with adequate nutrients for growing grass encourages the development of a healthy lawn (Figure 2). Incorporate seed and fertilizer into the top, Large areas of 15,000 sq ft or more can be sprigged using this method, which is often reserved for bermudagrass. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Tall fescue and perennial ryegrass exhibit a bunch-type growth habit and are incapable of spreading. North Carolina has three regions. * Seeding beyond these dates increases the chance of failure. The National Turf Evaluation Program (NTEP) trial research provides detailed grass types and cultivar data for your region and use. Water the lawn daily for the first 2 to 3 weeks after overseeding to provide adequate moisture for the seeds to germinate. Scotts EZ Seed Mixed Sun or Shade Grass Spot Repair Seed 20 lb. Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone A lawns. Specific tolerance may be associated with an anatomical or physiological characteristic in the plant. Ability of a turf species to withstand application of a pesticide (herbicide) at the normal dosage without being killed or injured. This approach will only provide limited turfgrass cover and will not be a permanent solution. Slow-growing Centipede grasses, such as Pennington Centipede Grass Seed and Mulch, typically stay green year-round in this zone's warm climate. Black Beauty quickly develops an extensive root systemup to 4 feet deep in some soilsand it tolerates heavy clay soils where other lawn grasses dont grow well. BEST OVERALL: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed All-Purpose Mix RUNNER-UP: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed High Traffic Mix MOST DROUGHT-TOLERANT: Jonathan Green 10316 Black Beauty Grass. Plugging is planting individual pieces (2 inches or larger) of sod on 6-inch to 24-inch centers. If you plan to seed a cool-season grass in the fall, such as tall fescue or Kentucky bluegrass, and your lawn site is ready for seeding in late March, April, May, or June, you can obtain a weak, temporary cover to hold the soil in place by seeding annual ryegrass. Rototill the recommended amount of fertilizer and lime, indicated by soil test results, or apply lime at 75 pounds per 1,000 sq ft and 10-10-10 fertilizer at 20 pounds per 1,000 sq ft to the area to be sprigged. A grass plant shoot arising in the axes of leaves in the unelongated portion of the stem. Compare Products Related reviews. It is sometimes found in inexpensive commercial seed mixtures but should be avoided. Determine the amount of fertilizer, ratio of nutrients or fertilizer elements, and time of application based on the grasses being grown. Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone F lawns. Deep-rooted turf-type tall fescues excel under droughty conditions. A 10-10-10 fertilizer. For this reason, a 1- to 2-inch mowing height is recommended when using a rotary mower. For dense-shade lawn areas, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a shade-tolerant, cool-season mix designed to thrive with even less sun. During decomposition they release valuable nutrients. Do not mow until the new seedlings have reached the height you usually mow. This mix grows best in the northern half of the country, and it is moderately drought resistant. Sodding is placing sod stripped from one site to another for an instant lawn. The majority of cultivars will not tolerate shade. Your email address will not be published. Kentucky bluegrass recovers well from most droughts, and watering will often increase disease problems. In general, more cool-season grasses are grown from seed than are warm-season grasses. If your lawn has dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix thrives with as little as two hours of Texas sun per day. Check out our list below for other great options for NC grasses. Plant development at or near the soil surface that results in lateral spreading by rhizomes, stolons, or both. Apply fertilizer and lime. An above-ground creeping stem that can produce roots and shoots at each node. EMPIRE is a medium textured zoysia grass grown in warm season areas with moderate shade tolerance. To apply 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 sq ft: Divide 100 by the first number on the fertilizer bag to determine the amount of product to be used per 1,000 sq ft. Warm-season lawns are best renovated in late spring to early summer. These cultivars must be planted vegetatively, and are low- and slow-growing. Scotts Turf Builder All-Purpose Mix is well suited for most types of moderately cool-season lawns, and Scotts Turf Builder High Traffic Mix is optimal for creating a tough turf where children and pets can play. Cool-season grasses such as bluegrasses, perennial ryegrassand fescues prevail in the Northeast region of the United States. As each product is tested and proven to be effective, it will be added to the list of available options for turf pest management. Slowly ease a lush, actively growing lawn into dormancy. Warm-season grasses are slow to green up in the spring, grow best in the summer, and go dormant after the first heavy frost. But bermudagrass is extremely drought tolerant, grows rapidly on any type of soil, and makes a good turf if fertilized and mowed low and often. b Often plugged using 3 square yards of turf cut into 2-inch squares on 12-inch centers to plant 1,000 sq ft. Lime. Kentucky bluegrass is a cool-season variety that does well in both the Mountains and Piedmont regions of North Carolina. For this reason, they usually perform better the farther east and south you go in those regions. This same technique can be used on slopes and compacted soils. It grows best in full sunlight and does not tolerate cold, drought, salt, or traffic. Removal of debris with rapidly rotating vertical tines or brush. A 25-pound bag of this Jonathan Green mix will overseed up to 10,000 square feet. This can be done withLove Your Soil. Using a sharp mower is especially important for difficult-to-mow grasses, such as zoysiagrass, bahiagrass, and certain types of perennial ryegrass cultivars. This is especially true as you move toward the coastal plain. Figure 5. MOST DISEASE-RESISTANT: Jonathan Green Mixed Full Shade Grass Seed BEST FOR REPAIRS: Scotts EZ Seed Patch & Repair Sun and Shade FAST ESTABLISHMENT: Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass Sun &. Rototill the recommended amount of fertilizer and lime, indicated by soil test results, or apply lime at 75 pounds per 1,000 sq ft and 10-10-10 fertilizer at 20 pounds per 1,000 sq ft to the area to be sprigged. However, this tall fescue blend has a hybrid mix of tall fescue seeds that are more resistant to heat and drought than common tall fescue seeds, making it a good choice for all three regions. Many warm-season grasses are grown from plugs, so this hybrid warm-season seed mix may be just what southern growers are looking for. a 1 square yard of turf pulled apart is equivalent to 1 bushel of sprigs. 1. For best results, bermudagrass should be mowed often (at least twice per week), especially at the lower mowing heights. If pesticides are used, always read and follow label directions. 1320 Reviews. A single soil test may be all that is necessary if there are no obvious differences in soil texture, terrain, or troubled areas of the front yard and backyard. The Best Grass Seed For the best lawn you need the best seed. They are best adapted to the mountains but can be grown in the piedmont. Not all types of grass seed grow well in all areassome varieties are better suited to cold climates, while others thrive only in subtropical environments. The best way to do this is to have the soil tested by a local extension agency to determine if it lacks certain nutrients and then apply them before overseeding. LinkReviews. Press them into the top 0.5 to 1 inch of soil using an old disk set straight, special planter, cultipacker, or roller. This process includes the following steps: Reduce competition. The particular herbicide used depends upon the weeds present and the tolerance of the turfgrass to the herbicide. DETAILS. Smaller areas tend to fill in naturally, provided the lawn grass is capable of spreading. Improved grass varieties in Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix and Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mixrequire up to 30% less water than ordinary grasses once they're established. While overseeding a lawn is a relatively straightforward project, grass seed can be pricey, depending on the type, so its normal to have a few questions. If you live in an area with little rainfall, be prepared to give these varieties deep waterings one or two times per week. Among grass species, bermudagrass is the best grass seed for North Carolina regions with warm temperatures. Perennial ryegrass is similar in appearance to Kentucky bluegrass, but is only adapted to the mountains for use as a monostand turf. Keep planting material moist until established. Turf that has its optimum growth at temperatures between 80F and 95F. Rake the yard to remove leaves or dethatch if a heavy layer of thatch (organic matter that forms a mat) is present at ground level. Frequent mowing, mowing when the grass is dry, and proper fertilization are the best ways to reduce thatch buildup. These include hard fescue that grows in colder climates and high elevations, creeping fescue that will grow even in deep shade, and fastest-growing grasses that withstands heavy traffic but doesnt like hot weather. Roll the soil lightly to firm the surface, and provide good seed-to-soil contact. Our patented, proven, Black Beauty grass seed, Great lawns are easy to grow when the soil is healthy, Feed your lawn with our balanced nutrient approach. Here are the methods most useful in lawn areas: Space planting is the planting of separate shoots or sprigs (runners, cuttings, or stolons) at regular spacings. Regardless of the region, a deeper root system is able to extract more moisture and nutrients from the soil, improving drought tolerance and overall health of the plant. The chemical in a pesticide that controls the target pest. Seed the annual ryegrass at 1.5 to 2 pounds per 1,000 sq ft. It may begin to turn brown and will stop growing, but continue to water occasionally, about every two to three weeks (source). These practices have been used effectively to make dormant warm-season grasses or any severely drought stressed grasses green. For example, if you want a low-maintenance grass that requires little watering and mowing, Centipede grass is a good choice for you if you live in the Coastal Plains or Piedmont regions. 192 products in Grass Seed Popular Filters Sun Tolerance: Sun and shade (4-8 hours of daily sun) Tall fescue Sun Tolerance: Full Sun (8+ hours of daily sun) Mixture/Blend Scotts Sun Tolerance: Shade (2-4 hours of daily sun) Savings Sort & Filter Sort & Filter Sort By Featured Best Sellers Highest Rated New Arrivals Special Offers Bulk Savings (7) They stay reasonably green in the winter. The flat portion of the grass leaf above the sheath. Reduce competition from existing grasses and remove unwanted vegetation, including thatch. . Cross-section of space planting. By Glenda Taylor Updated Jan 4, 2022 11:06 AM. Dense and durable, this innovative grass mix includes a temporary, cool-season companion grass that provides stability and early color as your Bermudagrass establishes. A species or cultivar of grass, usually of spreading habit, which is maintained as a mowed turf. After the seeds sprout, the coating ingredients offer fertilizer and disease protection to get the seedlings off to a healthy start. For seeding warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda, overseed in late spring when soil temperatures are around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. See, Fertilizers and lime should be applied uniformly with a centrifugal (rotary) or drop-type spreader. For assistance, contact your local N.C. This variety has a high tolerance for cold weather and drought, and has a higher tolerance for heat than Kentucky bluegrass. Your decision should be based on region, climate, intended use or wear at the site, and desired appearance. Turf species that have optimum growth at temperatures between 60F and 75F. The Mountains region has cooler weather than the others, so a cool-season grass does best in this region. While grass seeds are limited to just a few well-known producers, todays hybridized seeds and revolutionary seed coatings are capable of producing lush, resilient lawns. Lawns can be established by seeding, sodding, or vegetative planting (sprigs or plugs). Disease-resistant ryegrasses in Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix stand up to high humidity that can favor lawn diseases. Roll the area to firm the soil and ensure sprig-to-soil contact. Centipedegrass is slow to establish and may take two to three years when seeded. Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone H lawns. Again, to ensure high quality and better chance for success, it is highly recommended that certified sod be used. Cold tolerance of zoysia is not a problem in North Carolinas piedmont and coastal plain. North Carolina State University provides a handy chart that can help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different varieties.