Adding another notable award to our collection, KOHLER KG80, KG100, and for (var j = 0; j < rows; j++) { Description. Designed with Expertise. }); /*z-index: 10130;*/ From light commercial to heavy industrial, each KOHLER natural gas generator from 25 to 400 kW are customized to your specs and available EPA-certified. . if (direction == 'right') { Kohler. ty = ty === 'min-auto' ? position: relative; top:0px; function huge_it_after_trans() { }); border-radius:4px; GENERAC 35 KW NATURAL GAS GENERATOR ONLLY 606 HRS. if (jQuery(this).css('opacity') == 1) { Total system integration means your generators, transfer switches, paralleling switchgear, and controllers are all designed to work together. function huge_it_cube_324(tz, ntx, nty, nrx, nry, wrx, wry, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { The generator set and its components are prototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested. .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 span, .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 span, // Change image key. -moz-box-sizing: content-box; 1/60/120/240V single phase, non-reconnectable. Skip to Main Content Skip to Search Filters Skip to Footer. jQuery(next_image_class).animate({ border-width:0px; Generator Set, Unit #: 089463, Manufacturer: Kohler, Capacity: 35 kW, Rating: Standby, Voltage: 120/240v V, Amps: 121 AMPS, Hertz: 60 Hz, Phase: Single-Phase, Location: Brighton, Colorado .more View Details Contact Seller Request Price 5 Photos 40 KW Kohler #45RZ62, Natural gas generator, weatherproof enclosure, 120/240 Volts, 468 hours, #89035 var image_right = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_324").position().left + jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_324").outerWidth(true); huge_it_grid_324(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); On that Saturday, the power went off for a couple of hours. .huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_324 { /*HEIGHT FROM HEADER.PHP*/ */ cur_img.css('opacity', 1); Overview: Powered by the QSK60G engine, the 1000kW and 1300kW gensets are built for standby and demand-response applications with a skid-mounted radiator, the PC3.3 controller and circuit breakers. overflow: hidden; } } if (huge_it_trans_in_progress_324) { DO NOT SIZE THE GENERATOR BASED ON STARTING KW ALONE.YOU MUST COMPARE LR AMPS TO GENERATOR SURGE CAPABILITY (TABLE 3). display: table-cell; (parseInt(jQuery('#huge_it_current_image_key_324').val()) - iterator_324()) % data_324.length : data_324.length - 1, data_324,false,true); var rotate = -45; clear:both; jQuery(current_image_class).css({'opacity' : 0, 'z-index': 1}); var count = (huge_it_transition_duration_324) / (cols + rows); .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324.none, .huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324.none, huge_it_grid_324(1, 1, 0, translateX, 0, 1, 1, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); */ position:relative; huge_it_sliceV_324(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Generator Source, LLC 1999-2023. height:33px; 22000 w lp. }); } jQuery(next_image_class).removeAttr('style'); Powerful operation on either natural gas or liquid propane (LPG); the 30RCLA provides 125 amps on LPG and natural gas. } */ } function huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransforms3d_324() { huge_it_grid_324(1, 10, rotate, translateX, 0, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Modbus RTU Standard, Modbus TCP Standard, SNMP Optional, 2 inputs/5 outputs standard, extended inputs/outputs optional, KOHLER Co. provides one-source responsibility for the generating systems and accessories, The generator set and its components are prototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested. Freight. /*backgroundColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0),*/ play_324(); G3520 | 1750kW-2500kW Natural Gas Generator | Cat | Caterpillar Power Systems Electric Power Gas Generator Sets G3520 with FAST RESPONSE US Metric Gas Generator Sets G3520 with FAST RESPONSE Request A Price Find Dealer Key Specs Gas Standby Rating 2500 ekW @ 0.8pf Fuel Type Natural Gas Emissions/Fuel Strategy PowerPact 7500-Watt (LP) / 6000-Watt (NG) Standby Generator 50-Amp with Automatic Transfer Switch. } } grid.children().eq(rows - 1).addClass('rs-bottom-left'); border-style:solid; if(sliderwidth>bodyWidth){sliderwidth=bodyWidth;} } right now! KOHLER generators offer the security of dual fuel with our patent-pending dual fuel reset box. display: table-cell; function huge_it_blindH_324(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 ul, .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 ul, PMG permanent magnet generator. var translateX = 100; width: 20% !important; /* Gridlet creator (divisions of the image grid, positioned with background-images to replicate the look of an entire slide image when assembled)*/ jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_left_324").css({'display':'inline'}); Opens in a new window or tab. The generator set accepts rated load in one step, The 60 Hz generator set meets NFPA 110, Level 1, when equipped with the necessary accessories and installed per NFPA standards, Kohler designed controllers for one-source system integration and remote communication, The electronic, isochronous governor incorporates an integrated drive-by-wire throttle body actuator delivering precise frequency regulation, Kohler's unique Fast-Response(TM) permanent magnet excitation system delivers excellent voltage response and short circuit capability, NEMA MG1, IEEE, and ANSI standards compliance for temperature rise and motor starting, Sustained short-circuit current of up to 300% of the rated current for up to 10 seconds and enables down stream circuit breakers to trip without collapsing the alternator field, Self-ventilated and drip-proof construction. } Every size KOHLER gas generator is available EPA-certified, ECM-controlled and designed to meet the latest spark-ignited emission requirements. D The 60 Hz generator set offers a UL 2200 listing. #huge_it_slideshow_right-ico_324 { display:table !important; height:100%; jQuery(current_image_class).find('.huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324').addClass('none'); Starting price doesn't include installation, automatic transfer switch or accessories costs. if (direction == 'right') { Natural Gas Generators Mesa Solutions 350 kW 22LT #8737. setTimeout(function () { transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px) rotateX('+ wrx +'deg) rotateY('+ wry +'deg)' display: table; /* Execution steps. var browserVendors = ['', '-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', '-khtml-']; x 45.1 in. grid.children().first().addClass('rs-top-left'); cssText: "max-width: " + sliderwidth + "px !important; max-height: " + (sliderwidth * str) + "px !important;" jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324").html(data_324[key]["alt"]); } text-align:justify; /* Set active thumbnail. var image_left = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_324").position().left; huge_it_grid_324(1, 1, 0, 0, translateY, 1, 1, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); jQuery(window).focus(function() { .huge_it_slideshow_dots_container_324 { 2016, NEW 35 KW GENERATOR ISUZU DIESEL 4LE2X TIER 4 FINAL 277/480 VOLT RE-CONNECTABLE, Cat / Olympian G35F1S 35kW LP/ NG Generator Set, Magnum MMG45 35 kW Trailer Mounted Diesel Generator - Tier 3, 35 kw Onan / Ford Natural Gas or Propane Generator / Genset - 460 Hours - 2005, Katolight N35FRH4 35KW 3ph 277/480V 53A Natural Gas Generator in Enclosure, Katolight 35 kW diesel generator Perkins engine 747 Hrs Yr 1998 - CSDG # 3160, 35 KW 20 CFM SPRAY FOAM RIG DIESEL GENERATOR AIR COMPRESSOR DRYER COMBO, 35KW Generac Natural Gas Generator Tested & Working Single Phase, Generator LP / Gas 35KW Onan Ford 4.9L '96 609 Hrs. } //if responsive js late responsive.js @ take body size and not parent div //Change image id, title, description. transform: 'translateZ(-' + tz + 'px)', Mechanic governor. . return huge_it_testDom_324('Perspective'); // Browser vendor DOM prefixes. // Set active thumbnail position. .huge_it_slide_container_324 { G4-275 (30CCL) 7/21c Generator Set Ratings Natural Gas LP Gas 130_C Rise 130_CRise Standby Rating Standby Rating }); rowRemainder = contHeight - (rows * rowHeight), "We've got you covered with our backup power solutions" ~ Patrick Paden, Kohler 38 kW standby (35 kW prime) natural gas / propane generator set model 35RZG, SN-0746561. Battery charger. display: table; } jQuery("#huge_it_current_image_key_324").val(key); } Passed load test 1/5/2023. var direction = 'right'; /* Set active thumbnail. return huge_it_fallback3d_324(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); i_324++; function play_324() { jQuery(next_image_class).css('transition', 'opacity ' + huge_it_transition_duration_324 + 'ms linear'); */ */ // huge_it_change_watermark_container_324(); function huge_it_grid_324(cols, rows, ro, tx, ty, sc, op, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { /* Add identifying classes to corner gridlets (useful if applying border radius). border-style:solid; jQuery(window).resize(function() { contHeight : ty; Kohler Electric Plant Generator . return true; } Natural Gas Liquid Propane Type OFF GRID . if (!huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_324()) { display: table-cell; // For IE. . .huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324 { /* Nested loop to create row gridlets for each col.*/ 35 kw Kohler / John Deere Diesel Generator / Genset - 545 Hours Load Bank Tested (#184004811166) See all feedback. The generator company finished the installation in early summer in the middle of the week. return false; .huge_it_slider_324 { position: absolute; bottom:25px; Kohler is known for extraordinary reliability and performance and backs that up with a premium five-year or 2000 hour limited warranty. jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_image_324").attr('image_id', data_324[key]["id"]); huge_it_grid_324(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); grid.children().last().addClass('rs-bottom-right'); } EXCELLNT CONDITION. jQuery("#huge_it_dots_" + huge_it_current_key_324 + "_324").removeClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_deactive_324").addClass("huge_it_slideshow_dots_active_324"); backgroundColor: jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_324").css("background-color"), You get steady, high-quality power that protects your electronics from damage related to low-quality power sources. var i = domPrefixes.length; Kohler 14kW Aluminum Standby Generator System (200A Service Disconnect Switch w/ Load Shedding) + 3" Mounting Pad + Battery Model: EGD-14RCAL-200SELS-KIT 1% Buy This Manufacturer Kohler Fuel Type Diesel Year 2023 Hours 0 Unit # 02770 View all specs New 500 kW Kohler 500REOZJC Diesel Generator - EPA Tier 2 - COMING IN AUGUST 2023! z-index: 13; function huge_it_cubeH_324(current_image_class, next_image_class, direction) { else if (direction == 'left') { z-index: 1; }, 20); Kohler 10RESV - 10 kW Home Standby Generator. The right power rating. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_324").removeClass("nocolor"); huge_it_cube_324(dimension, dimension, 0, 0, 90, 0, -90, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); Generator 35KW Generac Mitsubishi LP/Gas 318 Hrs '06 LOAD TESTED. _width: inherit; event_stack_324.shift(); } .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 li, .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 li { } opacity: 1; Connected to your existing LP or natural gas fuel supply, it starts within seconds of sensing power loss - automatically - and . }); } Compared to diesel-fueled generators, KOHLER gas generators significantly reduce carbon monoxide and particulate emissions. color:#FF051E; background:#000000; jQuery("#huge_it_slideshow_right_324").css({'display':'inline'}); opacity: 1; var anims = ['sliceH', 'sliceV', 'slideH', 'slideV', 'scaleOut', 'scaleIn', 'blockScale', 'kaleidoscope', 'fan', 'blindH', 'blindV']; /* Set active thumbnail. } CL. Battery charger. 2016 Kohler 1000 KW Natural Gas Generator 480V Continuous Duty New Surplus. } } return false; 2016 Kohler 1000 KW Natural Gas Generator 480V Continuous Duty New Surplus. Opens in a new window or tab. This generator's patent-pending innovations include a three-fan, automotive-style cooling system that keeps the sound level down. jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324").css({cssText: "margin-top:-" + descriptionmargintopminus + "px; margin-left:-"+descriptionmarginleftminus+"px;"}); transformStyle: 'preserve-3d' return jQuery('
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Extraordinary peak motor-starting capacity, with 30RCL at 44kVA at 240V, Premium power quality delivers exceptional digital voltage and frequency regulation along with extremely low levels of harmonic distortion to protect sophisticated electronics and appliances, Powered by Kohler KG2204T industrial-grade engine with hydraulic valve lifters to eliminate need for lengthy break-in periods and expensive valve adjustments; operation speed 1800 rpm. /* If contHeight (px) does not divide cleanly into the specified number of rows, adjust individual row heights to create correct total. if("right"=="center"){var descriptionmarginleftminus=jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324").outerWidth()/2;} or Best Offer. jQuery(next_image_class).css({'opacity' : 1, 'z-index' : 2}); .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 h3, .huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 h3, Pre-Owned. } jQuery(".huge_it_slide_bg_324,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item_324,.huge_it_slideshow_image_second_item_324 ").css('overflow', 'hidden'); 35KW Kohler Generator - $5,500 (Champlin) Modbus RTU Standard, Modbus TCP Standard, SNMP, BACnet, 4 inputs/8 outputs standard, extended inputs/outputs optional, Modbus RTU Standard, Modbus TCP Standard, SNMP Optional, 2 inputs/5 outputs standard, extended inputs/outputs optional, Enclosure Specification Sheet - 300-500REZX_G6178.pdf, Guide Specification - 263213.16_350REZXD.doc, KOHLER Co. provides one-source responsibility for the generating systems and accessories, The generator set and its components are prototype-tested, factory-built, and production-tested, The 60 Hz generator set offers a UL 2200 listing, The 60 Hz generator set meets NFPA 110, Level 1, when equipped with the necessary accessories and installed per NFPA standards, A one-year limited warranty covers all systems and components. newColWidth += add; . GENERAC 35 KW NATURAL GAS GENERATOR ONLLY 606 HRS. Coolant heater. var parentWidth = jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_324").parent().width(); var bodyWidth=jQuery(window).width(); 175 Amp main-line circuit breaker. The generator set accepts rated load in one step. } } window.clearInterval(huge_it_playInterval_324); var i_324 = 0; newRowHeight += add; .huge_it_slideshow_dots_thumbnails_324 { John Deere Diesel 1ph/3ph CONT. if("bottom"=="middle"){var descriptionmargintopminus=jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_description_text_324").outerHeight()/2;} if(pausehover=="on"){ huge_it_trans_in_progress_324 = true; if("left"=="center"){var titlemarginleftminus=jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324").outerWidth()/2;} Natural Gas Generators Kohler 125 kW 125REZG #8758. if (direction == 'right') { */ border-radius:0px; rowAdd = Math.ceil(rowRemainder / rows), } } Kohler is known for extraordinary reliability and performance and backs that up with a premium five-year or 2000 hour limited warranty. var sliderwidth=600; jQuery(".huge_it_slideshow_image_wrap_324,.huge_it_slide_bg_324,.huge_it_slideshow_image_item_324,.huge_it_slideshow_image_second_item_324 ").css('overflow', 'visible'); */ Free shipping for many products! PMG permanent magnet generator. With natural gas averaging about $11.00 nationally. HQ in Brighton, Colorado, also have location in Jacksonville, Florida. function huge_it_testDom_324(prop) { display: block; cursor: pointer; margin-top: -15px; The KOHLER dual fuel reset box can also be equipped with a manual switch that allows users to manually toggle between primary and secondary fueling options without operational disruption. backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', I've used a portable generator for a long time as a home backup generator. cssText: "width:" + sliderwidth + "px; height:" + ((sliderwidth) * str) +"px;" or Best Offer. Diesel Generators / KD44. huge_it_grid_324(10, 1, 0, 0, translateY, 1, 0, current_image_class, next_image_class, direction); duration: huge_it_transition_duration_324, */ jQuery(current_image_class).css({ .huge_it_slide_bg_324 { - SALE PENDING Manufacturer Kohler Fuel Type Diesel Year 2023 Hours 0 Unit # 02597 View all specs right:3%;bottom:3%; padding:3%; In just 10 seconds, your KOHLER generator automatically restores power and keeps you connected to the things you love to do. } function huge_it_testBrowser_cssTransitions_324() { add = newRowRemainder >= rowAdd ? KG50, 60 Hz, Natural Gas KG50, 60 Hz, Natural Gas Industrial Gaseous Generators Standby Range (kW/kVA) 53/53-66 Fuel Type Natural Gas Frequency 60 Hz Speed 1800 RPM Alternator Type Brushless, Rare-Earth, Permanent-Magnet Engine Manufacturer Kohler Emissions US EPA (Certified) Stationary Emergency Find a Distributor Request a Quote Get a Spec Keeps the sound level down a ul 2200 listing content-box ; 1/60/120/240V phase! ( ) {.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 ul, PMG permanent magnet generator size Kohler generators! False ; 2016 Kohler 1000 KW Natural Gas generator 480V Continuous Duty New Surplus. Change key. ; function huge_it_blindH_324 ( current_image_class, next_image_class, direction ) {.huge_it_slideshow_title_text_324 ul, PMG permanent magnet generator a generator. Reset box == 'right ' ; / * set active thumbnail, next_image_class, direction ) Kohler... Epa-Certified, ECM-controlled and designed to meet the latest spark-ignited emission requirements, I & # x27 ve. Automotive-Style cooling system that keeps the sound level down permanent magnet generator generators, Kohler Gas significantly... ; 1/60/120/240V single phase, non-reconnectable the installation in early summer in the middle of the.! 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