

The National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has responded to the outbreak of the deadly Ebola Virus in Liberia as part of its corporate social responsibility. This response dates back to May 2014, when it donated 12 bales of used clothing to quarantine centers around the country.

NASSCORP also contributed L$8.3 million or US$100,000 to the National Task Force on Ebola in July 2014, when the spread of the virus intensified. The corporation also contributed L$4.15 million or US$50,000 to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare’s Task Force to enhance its capacity.

As a means of broadening its contribution to the fight against Ebola, the Corporation purchased airtime from the Liberia Broadcasting System, FABRIC Radio, Nubian FM, Renaissance Communication Inc., and Power TV for the airing of Ebola awareness messages and the discussion of tropical Ebola issues.

Additionally, NASSCORP sponsored several community-based organizations nationwide in their Ebola awareness campaigns. The organizations included Emma Smith Foundation, Compassion Fund Liberia, Law Students Association, and District #9 Ebola Task Force.

The corporation also printed and distributed 13,000 reams of Ebola awareness posters and two giant-size billboards depicting Ebola prevention measures in the Monrovia area. It also distributed thousands of sacks of NASSCORP-customized safe drinking water and an assortment of food items to various Ebola Treatment Units (ETUs) around Monrovia.

Speaking during the first leg of the distribution exercise at the ELWA-II ETU, Public Affairs Coordinator Davis Q. Beekeh paid tribute to healthcare workers around the country for saving the lives of hundreds of fellow Liberians. He said sure to the efforts of these “citizens in PPEs,” hundreds of Liberians survived the invisible Ebola scourge and rejoined their families.

Mr. Beekeh said the donation was his corporation’s way of identifying with the Ebola patients and hoped that the food would accelerate the recovery of the patients. He assured that NASSCORP would stand by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and managements of various ETUs until Ebola was kicked out of Liberia.

Receiving the items on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Nathaniel K. DeVille, Manager of the ELWA-II ETU, expressed gratitude to NASSCORP’s Management for the gesture and promised the items would be used for the intended purpose.