better future for you
and your family!
family to benefit tomorrow.
you do, make sure your
contributions are
paid to benefit.
to enjoy your pension benefits.
NASSCORP… We secure your financial future
life even after
NASSCORP… We secure your financial future
better life even when
you are dead.
benefit for your family.
NASSCORP… We secure your financial future
right on your phone!
ID Card, Valid Award Letter and Valid NASSCORP
Proxy Document.
NASSCORP… We secure your financial future
employer is not paying
your contributions.
- is not paying your contributions.
- is not paying your contributions on time.
- is not paying the right contributions on your behalf.
- does not file your claim for benefits
The Act empowers NASSCORP to administer three schemes. They are the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS), the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and the Welfare Scheme (WS).
Employment Injury Scheme (EIS)
The EIS is an employer-liability program (only employers contribute in behalf of employees) which was launched February 1, 1980 to provide benefit coverage to public and private sector workers, excluding Self-employed persons, military personnel, casual and household workers, and family members living in the employer’s home.
National Pension Scheme (NPS)
The NPS is a contributory insurance program, launched on September 1, 1988, provides pension benefit coverage to private and public sectors employees, including senior government and court employees, local government employees, and paramilitary personnel. Voluntary coverage is provided for self-employed persons and persons who previously had mandatory coverage.


NASSCORP Healthcare
Corporate Divisions
The principal functions and responsibilities are to manage the administrative support system, including the human resources, procure logistics and maintain all assets of the Corporation.
The principal functions and responsibilities are to ensure that the fiscal assets of the Corporation are secured and accounted for, and ensure that the financial policy of the Corporation is implemented accordingly.
Corporate Policy & Strategy
The principal functions and responsibilities are to develop innovative strategies and policies for improved corporate governance and service delivery.
The principal functions and responsibilities are to duly register all eligible entities and their employees under the Schemes, process claims for benefits, and screen and validate all requests for Medical Board Examination.
Regional Operations
The principal functions and responsibilities are to supervise and coordinate the functions and activities of all Regional Offices.
Risk Management
The principal functions and responsibilities are to design, implement, monitor, review and continually improve measures for NASSCORP risk management process in order to impact/affect its framework objectives.

Affiliate Membership

Contact Us
Head Office
24th Street Sinkor, Tubman Blvd
P.O. Box 10-2888
1000 Monrovia, 10 Liberia
Working Hours
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 4:30PM
Friday - 9AM - 4PM
Saturday & Sunday - Closed
Get In Touch
Tel: 0770-10 2020 | 886-102020
Regional Offices
Montserrado - Region 1
Grand Bassa - Region 2
Bomi - Region 3
Margibi - Region 4
Bong - Region 5
Nimba - Region 6
G. Gedeh- Region 7 (Opening soon)*
Maryland - Region 8
Sinoe - Region 9