

The Management of National Social security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) on December 20, 2019, retired nine of its employees and honored 19 others for long service. Those retired included Cora E. Taylor-Ferguson, Coordinator, Public Affairs; Omega Doe-Browne, Coordinator, Regional Operations; Cecelia D. Gibson, Assistant Chief Accountant, Funds, and Edwin P. Gaye, Assistant Coordinator, Inspection Division.

Others were Felicia F. Goe, Assistant Coordinator, Beneficiary Services Department; Paul Wiah, Executive Secretary, Comptroller’s Office; Vivian O. Sirleaf, Claims Officer, Region II; Eleanor. Diggs- Zinnah, Document Officer, Contribution Records; and James T. Sumo, Office Assistant, Region V.

Nineteen employees were honored for long service ranging from 10 to 35 years.

Nominees for 10-year service were, Christopher McBorrough, Investment Development Specialist; Isaac M. GlayWeon, Coordinator, Human Resource; Joseph O. Brown, Coordinator, Research; Andrew Harris, Assistant Coordinator, Claims; Philip V. Zenneh, Director, Region VI; James G. Bieh, Assistant Coordinator, Inspection; Andrew K. Jones, Assistant Coordinator, Contribution Records, Edward D. Mason, Assistant Coordinator, Inspection, Trisha S. David, Director, Claims; Bernice Roberts, Regional Administrative Officer, Region I-A; Robert A. Johnson, III, Investment Officer; Lawrence S. Dassen, Mechanic, General Services; Wonnah J. Wehyee, Driver, Region IV; and Patrick Clarke, Driver,
Inspection division.

Those honored for 15 years included M. Athanasius Carr, Assistant Coordinator, Region IB; and George S. Davis, Assistant Director, Bio Code. Fatu J. Logan, Assistant Coordinator, Beneficiaries Services, was honored for 25 years and Josephine N.Z. Karngar was honored for 30 years of service. Nathaniel J. Griggs, Coordinator, Beneficiaries Services Department, was honored for 35 years of service, meaning that he was the longest-serving employee among those honored.

Speaking on behalf of the honorees, Mrs. Omega Doe Brown lauded Management for its empowerment of employees and a good working environment. The personnel were honored for their hard work and dedication to serving diligently for many years.

We have benefitted from the institution a lot, and it was because of your support and good working relationship we had over the years,” she said.

She added that their prayer was for the Corporation to grow from one level to another.

Speaking at the occasion, Director-General Dewitt vonBallmoos praised the retirees, noting it is the policy of the Corporation that whenever an employee reaches the age of 60, the Corporation is under obligation to retire such person in a befitting manner.

He said their departure was not the end of their services to the Corporation, as they would be called upon at some point in time to render some services if the occasion arises.

You are experts in your respective areas, and we will be looking up to you to help us out in times of needs,” the NASSCORP Chief Executive pointed out, referring to the retirees as institutional memory, and that their services will always be needed.

Mr. vonBallmoos said management was grateful for the length of time the retirees spent with the Corporation and helped to make it what it is today, adding,

“It was great working with you all, and we will carry these fond memories.”

The NASSCORP boss wished the honorees God’s speed as they depart and prepare for another venture in life. The retirees were also honored for demonstrating the Corporation’s core value of excellence. The Second Quarterly Awards and Recognition Program coincided with the retirement and honoring program. Out of the 25 nominees of the Second Quarter, Madam Verinoca B. Topor of the Beneficiaries Service Department won the award as Employee of the Second Quarter.

Presenting the award to the Employee of the Second Quarter on behalf of management, Deputy Director-General Nya D. Twayen, Jr. thanked her and urged her to keep up her hard work so that others will follow suit. In response, the honoree thanked the management and the entire team, including her bosses and colleagues, for such a great selection, and thanked the Dewitt vonBallmoos Leadership for transforming and impacting the lives of employees positively.

Director-General vonBallmoos thanked the employee of the second quarter for her effort and patience and thanked the awards committee for the free and fair selection which met the entire workforce consent. He also encouraged the nominees who did not win to work harder so that one day it will be their time. The Retirement and Honoring Program was attended by NASSCORP staff, relatives of the retirees, and well-wishers.

In a related development, NASSCORP retired nine employees the previous year who had reached the benchmark for retirement. They were T. Marcus Grigsby, Assistant Coordinator/General Services, Jemima N .E. Erskine, Executive Secretary/Insurance; David S. Derrick, Relieving Director/Regional Operations; Thomas M. Patmore, Assistant Director/Regional Operations and Stephen F. Gaye, Driver/Region 1A.

Others were Kau B. Dolo, Registration Officer/Region 1B; Uteh D. Dunbar, Claims Assistant/Region IV; Mary N. Miller, Claims Assistant/Region V, and James T. Sehyiboa, Inspection Officer. Speaking on behalf of the retirees, Jemima N.E. Erskine expressed heartfelt appreciation to the Management of NASSCORP for the cordial working relationship enjoyed as employees of the Corporation.

“It is a pleasure to represent my colleagues here today, we are happy for this day and we hold our gratitude to the management of NASSCORP for this unique occasion,” she said.

Miss Erskine noted further that they would miss the management and fellow workers, saying,

“We enjoyed the time that we spent working with you. We made friends; we made families here and we are going to miss you all.”

Retiree T. Marcus Grigsby lauded NASSCORP Management for “such an auspicious occasion,” and stated that the memories of the said occasion will forever be cherished by all of the retirees. Concluding, he bided farewell to the rest of the NASSCORP family and thanked them for the time spent together. In remarks during the retirement ceremony held at the NASSCORP Office on 15th Street, Sinkor, Director-General vonBallmoos congratulated the retirees for the dedicated services rendered the Corporation for decades.

He said after working for many years, it is now time that they go home and rest, and that they don’t have to wake up in the morning and be worrying about getting late for work.

“It is going to be strange for the first few days but in time you will get used to it, the NASSCORP boss said with a smile.”

Regarding their retirement benefits, he assured them that all that they have worked for and saved over the years will be received, and noted that even though it will not be the same salary but assured them it will be attractive and forthcoming.

“We want to thank all of you very, very much for your dedicated services and hard work over the years. Some of you have worked for more than 30 years here at NASSCORP while others worked for 10 years but all 111 all, we will like to say thank you very much; NASSCORP is here for you,” he concluded.

The presentations of certificates and gifts to the honorees were done according to categories of their tenures. Ms. Jenneh Adighibe, Assistant Director-General/Risk Management, certificated those in the 10 years category, while Comptroller Benjamin Redd, II made a presentation to the 15-year category honorees. Mr. Christopher McBorrough, Investment Development Specialist, certificated the 20-year service honorees.

Director-General vonBallmoos presented certificates to the 25-year and 35-year categories.

Responding on behalf of the honorees, Davis Q. Beekeh, Public Relations Coordinator, described their long service to the entity as a demonstration of their commitment to institutional building. He thanked the NASSCORP management for creating the enabling environment which encouraged the honorees to stay so long, pledging their commitment to doing more for the forward march of the Corporation.

The NASSCORP PR boss pointed out that the honors bestowed on the honorees have reenergized them to serve the Corporation diligently. He concluded by thanking the program organizing committee for “such a splendid program.” Also during the program, Gayduo Johnson was declared the winner of the 2nd Quarterly Award for Fiscal Year 2018/2019, while Winston Q. Jah, Assistant Director-General/Public Information, Education & Training (PIET), was presented with the 2018 Director-General’s Award.