

A five-member team from the Beneficiary Services Department (BSD) of the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) recently delivered customer services to beneficiaries in Kakata, Bong Mines, Harbel, and Gbarnga.

The team, headed by Morgiana D. Natt, head of Beneficiary Services Department, comprised Suqueenie W. Penpah, Coordinator, BSD; Miatta Fahnbulleh, Assistant Coordinator, BSD; Kennedy G. Broh, Assistant Coordinator, IT and Love Moluwoi, Officer, BSD.

During the 17-day tour, which lasted from October 13-30 2019, the team delivered awards letters to beneficiaries, issued ID cards to process beneficiaries, captured processed beneficiaries’ biometrics, validated beneficiaries for renewal of ID cards, and issued account creation letters to beneficiaries.

The team discovered that 10 beneficiaries of NASSCORP had died and were not reported to NASSCORP while two beneficiaries had traveled abroad. During the trip, 25 award letters were distributed, 24 ID cards issued while 60 first-timers’ biometrics were captured and their ID cards renewed.

The team observed that accounts were created for 28 beneficiaries who had not received awards letters and had outstanding payments from March to September 2019. Also during the exercise, 16 account creation letters were given out to beneficiaries.

Speaking to NASSCORP NEWSLETTER, Morgiana D. Natt said the tour was a means of taking NASSCORP to the homes of incapacitated beneficiaries to issue them awards letters and also to take note of complaints from beneficiaries with outstanding payments and do a follow-up on their behalf.

“This process provided the means also to remove some of the obstacles faced by the department in providing services to our much-needed beneficiaries,” Ms. Natt added, “by reaching out, the department ensured the smooth and timely processing of beneficiaries claims and payments.”