

Earl Carter, Assistant Director/Claims and two other employees of the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) have won the Corporation’s quarterly awards. The others are Bernice Roberts and Lorenzo Fleming, Regional Administrative Officer/Region IA, and Registration Assistant/Region II respectively.

Earl Carter was among more than 13 employees nominated by the various departments of NASSCORP for the 3rd quarterly award 2018/2019. The nominees were presented to management and employees by Mrs. Isatu Ville-Cheeks, Coordinator of Education/PIET, while the employee of the 3rd Quarter was introduced by Rev. Isaac M. GlayWeon, Human Resource Coordinator.

Presenting the awards to the Employee of the 3rd Quarter on behalf of Management, Deputy Director-General Nya D. Twayen, Jr. thanked Mr. Carter for a job well done and admonished him to keep up his hard work so that other employees will follow his good examples. In response, the honoree thanked Director-General Dewitt vonBallmoos and described him as “a great boss who looks out all the time for his subordinates, always willing to be impactful in transforming their lives positively.”

“We all are fortunate and blessed to be under the leadership of Mr. vonBallmoos and pray that God continues to inspire, direct and bless him for the services rendered to the institution and the country at large,” Mr. Carter said.  

He thanked God Almighty, adding that his bosses and fellow colleagues were gracious to appreciate his time and effort by forwarding his name to the Awards and Recognition Committee.

Concluding, Mr. Carter thanked management for its farsightedness in initiating “such a wonderful program Which encourages employees to even work harder.”

Speaking on behalf of the Workers Union, President Abubakar Kordor thanked the director-general for the newly constructed NASSCORP Head Office on 24th Street & Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, and the working environment and promised,

“We the workers will do everything possible to maintain the building.” Mr. Kordor added.

The NASSCORP trade union boss said the level of work and roles the Director-General has played in society would never be forgotten. He used the occasion to thank the Employee of the 3rd Quarter and present him a purse as a way of buttressing management’s effort.

Director-General vonBallmoos thanked the Employee of the 3rd Quarter for his tireless efforts and recognition by the Awards Committee, which signified that the process was free, fair and transparent and that it met the consensus of the entire workforce. He told the other nominees who did not win that the fact that they were nominated by their bosses showed they had worked a bit harder, and urged them to keep it up.

The NASSCORP boss concluded by thanking the Information Technology and the General Services Departments for their efficiency and effectiveness in moving “our office documents without hiring anybody from outside and connecting our computers, which enabled the Corporation to relocate to the newly constructed building.”

“They make moving to seem like nothing,” Mr. vonBallmoos said in admiration of the IT and GS Departments.

Bernice Roberts was declared the winner of the 4th quarter award, haven emerged over 22 other employees. Receiving the award, Ms. Roberts thanked the management and the Awards Committee for selecting her as the winner and promised to continue to work harder.

In remarks, Abubakar Kordor, President of NASSCORP Workers Union, thanked the Employee of the 4th Quarter and urged her not to stop there, but to “fast track her work” to make NASSCORP second to none. Making special remarks at the occasion, the Director-General congratulated employees who have worked and continue to work hard for the growth of the institution.

“Whatever work you do here, people out there are looking and watching you. Your bosses, too, are watching and looking at you very keenly. I, therefore, urge you to continue doing your best. I want to congratulate the winner of the award, Bernice Roberts, for the honor and her hard work,” the NASSCORP boss said.

Director-General vonBallmoos hailed the collective spirit and the level of teamwork that continue to move the corporation forward.

“I want to let you know that only Person One wins, but that it takes a whole force for NASSCORP to reach where it has reached,” he said.

In a related development, Lorenzo Fleming, Registration Assistant assigned to Region II, won the 1st Quarterly Award for Fiscal Year 2019/2020.