

MONROVIA, November 4, 2019 — A 17-member delegation of the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has returned home after attending this year’s International Social Security Association (ISSA) World Social Security Forum (WSSF) in Brussels, Belgium.

The delegation, which was headed by NASSCORP Director-General Dewitt vonBallmoos, left Liberia on October 11th and returned on the 20th. Other members of the delegation were Mrs. Mornjay O. Pratt, Vice-Chairperson, NASSCORP Board of Directors; Mr. Habakkuk Wonmei, Chairman, NASSCORP Board’s Claims & Benefits Committee; and a team of senior managers of the Corporation.

The five-day forum, held under the theme, “Protecting People in a Changing World,” ran from October 14 – 18, 2019, and brought together over 1,000 participants from more than 150 countries, including Ministers, Administrators, CEOs and Senior Managers in Social Security administration. The forum provided an unparalleled source of exclusive networking, knowledge-sharing, and inspiration for ISSA member organizations.

During the forum, participants discussed how social security institutions play a crucial role in protecting people in a changing world through their efforts to achieve excellence and invest in innovation.

Other topics discussed during the world event included Social Security Challenges and Innovative Responses, Shaping the Future of Social Security, Excellence and Innovation in Social Security, Strengthening the Social Impact of Social Security, and Leaving No One Behind—Realizing a Global Commitment, among several topics.

On Day Three of the forum, NASSCORP Director-General Dewitt vonBallmoos presented a paper on the topic: “Investment of Social Security Funds (Guidelines).” The ISSA Guidelines on Investment of Social Security Funds allow members to follow a progressive process of governance which starts with the setting up of the various structures involved in the process and includes defining roles and how these interactions with the processes are set up in order that governance objectives are met. These processes include defining and monitoring an investment strategy, monitoring performance, and reporting.

In a related development, NASSCORP’s Director-General Dewitt vonBallmoos has been certificated for his service as the Chairperson of the Technical Commission on Investment of Social Security Funds by ISSA.

The role of the Chairperson of the Technical Commission is to provide leadership in the implementation of the work plan of the Commission, including to review work and provide input into suggested new work plan of the Commission, including to review work and provide input into suggested new work streams and those already agreed. The Chairperson works with a number of Vice-Chairpersons from ISSA member institutions, while the ISSA General Secretariat provides overall technical and administrative support to the Technical Commission.

This year’s World Social Security Forum was hosted by Belgian Social Security and provided a unique opportunity to learn from new and innovative practices, and also created valuable relationships with peers from around the world.

Founded in 1927, ISSA is the world’s leading international organization of social security institutions, government departments, and agencies.