

The Workers Union of the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) has elected new corp of officers for a two-year term (2018-2020).

Those elected are Abubakar K. Kordor, President; George S. Davis, Vice President/Administration; Joseph J. Gbarwo, Vice President/Operations, and Sports; Miatta K. Jimice, General-Secretary. Others are Boima J. G. Sando, Assistant General-Secretary; Comfort M. Seville, Treasurer; Lawresa M. Gbargboe, Financial Secretary; Eleanor Diggs Zinnah, Chaplain; Charles T. Smith,’ Employees’ Representative/Provident Fund Board and Sam Wedle Sieh, Employees’ representative/Provident Fund Board.

The new corps of officers were inducted into office by Mr. Nya D. Twayen, Jr., Deputy Director-General of NASSSCORP. Delivering his inaugural address, President Abubakar Kordor thanked the top management of NASSCORP and staff for affording him the opportunity to carry out the functions of the workers’ union.

Mr. Kordor said while serving as vice president of the union, he decentralized the activities of the union, increased the union due to US$60, reviewed the union’s constitution, and created the workers union day which is the second Friday in November.

The NASSCORP workers’ leader named good governance, hard work and advocacy for workers as his administration’s goals.

“With this office, we will continue to work for the better living condition of our people,” he concluded